My first cooking post is based on Chinese food. Its a homemade recipe. So I made it in my own style. PRAWN NOODLES Some say Chinese cuisine is 400,000 years old going back to the Peking Man and his use of fire. Some other accounts of the history of Chinese cuisine takes the beginning to the Chinese stone age. However today Chinese cuisine enjoys the distinction of being the most popular in the world. All this furore about Chinese food can make one wonder what is so special about this cuisine. To put it in one word it is wholesome. It has the characteristics of being nutritious, economical, balanced and delicious. It cannot be gainsaid that Chinese food is popular the world over and it can be adapted into our modern lifestyles as the strong link between diet and health of body, mind and spirit is epitomized in Chinese cookery. We all desire harmony in our lives and this works on the ancient Taoist princip...
Welcome to "MY COOKING STYLE". Lets have some fun with foods. Cooking is an art.